Physiotherapy Leiden

Welcome to physiotherapy practice “Fysiotherapie Optima Vita”. If you’re looking for English-speaking physiotherapists in Leiden you’ve come to the right place. Our skilled team will be glad to provide you with care and support to help you improve your physical well-being.

It is possible to directly access our physiotherapy services in Leiden without needing a referral from a general practitioner. Please note that a BSN (Burger Service Nummer) is required to claim treatment costs through your health insurance provider.

About us

Located at multiple locations in district The Mors/De Mors in Leiden, our practices are conveniently situated for both local residents and international visitors living and working in Leiden. We understand the importance of accessibility, and that’s why we offer our services also in English to ensure effective communication and understanding. Whether you’re an expatriate, a student, or simply more comfortable with English, our team is here to provide physiotherapy in Leiden.

We provide a comprehensive range of physiotherapy services like regular allround physiotherapy, manual therapy, sports-related therapy and edema therapy. Because of this wide range we are able to address various conditions, including musculoskeletal injuries, sports-related injuries, post-surgical rehabilitation, and chronic pain management. Our evidence-based practices and the latest techniques ensure targeted treatments that meet your specific needs and goals.

We believe in providing personalized attention and care to every individual seeking treatment. Our thorough assessments and tailored treatment plans address your specific needs, empowering you with the knowledge and tools for self-management. We actively involve you in your recovery and long-term well-being during your physiotherapy treatment in Leiden.

You can use our Contact Form on this page or contact us and we will reach you as soon as possible.

We look forward to assist you with our services in Leiden.

Contact Form

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